Before the pandemic many people were sure it's impossible to teach how to play piano and do sport trainings online. Now look at amazing results in these both areas! I teach piano online even on advanced level to get a competition's quality.. And I have online trainings with a sport coach who helps me stay in a perfect physical shape. In both cases I'm totally happy with results.
Of course it's different then having offline sessions. Knowing the specific of the online work you could achieve wonderful results with your students.
These are key points that I have in my mind as a teacher and could support my students on their way to win a competition or get accepted in the Europe universities.
The dynamics of the online session is different. The teacher needs to be much more aware of the non-verbal signals of the student to keep attention and motivation during the session and after it.
Normally we can focus on one thing for approx. 20 minutes. This time can reduce because of the online work.
The teacher needs to come more prepared than for an offline session. The result of the online work depends on the structure, plan and a goal of each session. That's why these things need to be planned before the lesson.
It helps if you set a goal of the session together with a student at the beginning of your meeting.
Each student has individual strength, talents and points to grow. The ability to focus or work intensive is also different. The plan, structure and goals should be based on the individual characteristics and a teacher's skill to use them efficiently at work.
Sometimes it's better to work on details and summarize at the end what you have done. Sometimes it works if you choose one main issue and work at it.
The more experience has a teacher offline, the better online sessions could work. IF… If the teacher has a real interest to explore new online possibilities and is open to new ways of teaching.
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